Sunday, 11 May 2008

A week away

We're having some pretty major work done on our garden at the moment, and that has entailed both doors being open - impossible to manage with James. So I was glad that we'd organised a week away to the back of beyond. As a child we used to spend a week of our holidays in a Forestery Commission log cabin so when I stumbled across their new site I knew I'd found the place for us. We really needed a total escape and it's far easier for us to be in the middle of nowhere with James than in a crowded busy hotel.

I hadn't quite banked on the traffic on the way up - it was Bea who gave us more trouble than James though! He has always loved the sensation of movement and very rarely complains in the car. Bea on the other hand started crying about 20 minutes into the journey and kept going on and off for the next 7 hours. So on her birthday wish list is an in car DVD player - I remember how I used pat myself on the back and feel so smug about how happy James was to sit in the car and that he had no need of such entertainment. Don't feel so smug now though. It's often hard to sort out what is down to James' autism and what is just "normal" though. For instance, he has become pickier and fussier when it comes to eating and I never quite know how far to push it. His reluctance to try different and "new" things is most likely part of his autism, but there are lots of neurotypical 4 year olds who are pretty fussy. But on the other hand you can usually do some bargaining with them to at least get things tasted if not enjoyed (once again, though, this is starting to backfire on me as Bea is now demanding "teeny tiny Pontipine" pieces of every foodstuff - I thought it was a good idea at the time!!!). No amount of bargaining/explaining/begging works with James - occasionally I can almost force a orsel in his mouth but then I find myself feeling uneasy as that isn't really a long term approach or solution.

Overall, the holiday was really positive - James loved being out in the forest (obviously wearing his rucksack with reins) and Bea had a ball too. We had a wonderful day at Flamingoland where he must have had enough sensory stimulation to last most people a lifetime - he was in heaven with all the rocking, spinning, whizzing and water! He even noticed one or two of the animals - although I don't think he was that impressed to see the baby camel being born.....

But now we're back to reality and are exhausted again already. The washing machine has been on overdrive, I dragged the children food shopping yesterday and Special K that has been scattered all over the kitchen. Some things never change........

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